Welcome to
Al-Madrasah Al-Mālikiyyah

Who are we?

Also known as Al-Madrasah Al-Mālikiyyah, the Māliki School is an online institute dedicated to the School of Madīnah strictly adhering to the Mashhūr.

A page dedicated to the School of Madīnah. Over time, the Mālikī School has spread in the west however has lacked reliable accessibility for the general public. It is due to this that we have established the Mālikī School. Our sole duty is to convey the Mālikī Maḏhab through providing courses for Fiqh, ‘Aqīdah, and Taṣawwuf (along with many others) conducted by the qualified reliable Mashāyikh in the English language. Additionally, we provide a Q&A portal dedicated solely to questions related to the Mālikī Maḏhab and have established this organization for the accessibility of this Blessed School to the western world.

Latest Courses

Al-Madrasah Al-Mālikiyyah offers variety of Online Seminars conducted by traditionally qualified Scholars of the Mālikī School and have mostly graduated from the prestigious likes of Jāmiah al-Azhar al-Sharīf located in Cairo alongside Jāmiah al-Qarawiyyīn located in Fes, Morocco.

Student Testimonials

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Here at the Mālikī School, we value allowing aspiring students access to the information they need to succeed. With your donation, we can keep classes high quality and low cost!
