We are pleased to announce for the first time, our first Taṣawwuf course based upon the Manẓūmah (Poem) of Imām ‘Abd al-Raḥmān al-Akhḍarī (author of the famous Mukhtaṣar al-Akhḍarī in Mālikī Fiqh) famously known as Manẓūmah al-Akhḍarī fī al-Taṣawwufi.
The poem focuses on the rectification of one’s inner self bringing them closer to Allāh ﷻ and the Best of Creation ﷺ both physically and spiritually ultimately leading them to become better humans in the guidelines of Sharī’ah.
The course is suitable for everyone and is most certainly recommended for one looking to rectify themselves.
Details: Live & Recorded | Tuesdays | Conducted in English | 6 Lessons | 2:30pm (EST) – 7:30pm (GMT) | 60 minutes per session
Please take into consideration our refunds policy (found in our highlights on Instagram) before proceeding to sign up by messaging us or emailing us.
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