About The Book
For the first time ever, a free distribution of a high quality version of the Qaṣīdah al-Burdah alongside its side by side English translation is being released in celebration of the Mawlid (the blessed birth of the Chosen one).
The Qaṣīdah is a famous ode by the Malikite scholar, Imām Sharaf al-Dīn al-Buṣīrī – famously known as Imām al-Buṣīrī in praise of the Prophet ﷺ. The Imām was affected by a debilitating sickness. He decided to write the Burdah as a means of seeking Allāh’s forgiveness and The Prophet’s ﷺ intercession. After composing Burdah he saw a dream, where The Prophet ﷺ covered the Al Busiri with his ﷺ mantle (burdah). He was cured as from his illness when he woke up.
(For a more detailed context behind this widely accepted Qaṣīdah, visit https://www.qasidaburda.com/)